Sunday, June 19, 2016 Agen Judi Poker, Domino dan Ceme Online Indonesia Terpercaya Agen Judi Poker, Domino dan Ceme Online Indonesia Terpercaya, situs atau agen judi online anda bisa langsung daftar gratis tanpa di punggut biaya, untuk pendaftaran di situs agen poker 99dewa, akan tetapi, bila anda ingin bermain poker atau domino online anda harus deposit terlebih dahulu, anda tidak perlu keluar duit banyak untuk bisa menikmati permainan poker maupun domino online di 99dewa hanya dengan minimal deposit yang nominalnya tidak mencapai ratusan bahkan jutaan rupiah,anda sudah bisa memainkan permainan seperti judi poker maupun dominol online di 99dewa
18dewa Agen Judi Poker , Domino dan Ceme Online Indonesia Terpercaya

99dewa dan berikut Cara Bermain Poker The Blinds Dalam permainan Hold'em, player yang mendapatkan button atau tanda "D" biasa disebut "the Dealer Button". Sebelum kartu dibagikan, player pertama yang duduk searah jarum jam disamping playe,r yang mendapatkan button D secara otomatis, akan meletakkan chips diatas meja sejumlah "Small Blind", selanjutnya player disamping Small Blind, ini yang searah jarum jam secara otomatis akan meletakkan chips sejumlah "Big Blind" , dimana jumlah "Big Blind" ini adalah 2x lebih besar dari jumlah "Small Blind". Sebelum player menentukan pilihan meja untuk bermain, player dapat menentukan jumlah ketentuan limit "Small Blind" dan "Big Blind", yang mereka inginkan, ini dapat dilihat dari angka misalnya 300/600, 500/1000, 1000/2000 atau yang lainnya. Setelah semua proses diatas selesai, kini dealer akan membagikan 2 hole cards, ke masing-masing pemain. Selanjutnya proses betting, akan dimulai searah dengan jarum jam, dimulai dari pemain yang duduk disamping "Big Blind".Pre-FlopSetelah semua pemain masing-masing telah mendapatkan 2 kartu, kini setiap pemain mendapatkan opsi untuk memainkan kartu mereka dengan pilihan "call", "raise", atau "fold".The Flop Setelah sesi Pre-Flop selesai, kini dealer akan membagikan 3 kartu diatas meja dengan posisi terbuka, ini disebut dengan The Flop. Pada putaran ini, opsi pilihan betting selanjutnya jatuh ke pemain yang duduk disamping "dealer button" searah jarum jam. Opsi yang bias dipilih adalah sama seperti opsi pada Pre-Flop, namun ada satu tambahan opsi Check, jika pemain tidak ingin melakukan betting dan selanjutnya akan berlanjut ke pemain berikutnya.The Turn Ketika sesi betting pada The Flop telah selesai, dealer akan membagikan kartu keempat diatas meja, sesi ini disebut dengan The Turn. Putaran taruhan berlanjut sama seperti sesi The Flop The River Ketika sesi taruhan pada sesi The Turn selesai, maka selanjutnya dealer akan membagikan kartu terkahir, yaitu kartu kelima diatas meja, sesi ini disebut dengan sesi terakhir atau The River.

99dewa, Opsi pilihan betting sama seperti yang disebutkan diatas.The Showdown Jika terdapat lebih dari satu pemain yang tersisa pada sesi The River, maka pemain terakhir yang melakukan pemasangan taruhan adalah, pemain yang akan membuka kartu duluan, kecuali tidak ada yang melakukan pemasangan taruhan maka player yang berada disamping "dealer button" lah yang pertama akan membuka kartu.

99dewa Pemenang ditentukan berdasarkan pemegang kombinasi kartu terbaik 99dewa Agen Judi Poker Domino Online Indonesia Terpercaya

    1. Check - Jika player sebelumnya tidak ada melakukan pemasangan taruhan, maka pemain selanjutnya dapat melakukan opsi pilihan Check, jika semua pemain melakukan Check maka sesi putaran taruhan tersebut dianggap selesai dan sesi baru putaran selanjutnya dimulai.
    2. Bet - Jika tidak ada taruhan yang dilakukan sebelumnya maka pemain dapat memilih opsi pilihan Bet. Jika pemain melakukan Bet, maka pemain selanjutnya dapat memilih opsi antara Fold, Call atau Raise.
    3. Fold - Opsi pilihan Fold adalah pilihan yang dilakukan oleh seorang pemain jika pemain tersebut menyerah. Pemain tersebut tidak dapat melakukan pemasangan taruhan lagi dan dianggap gugur.
    4. Call - Jika terdapat pemasangan taruhan pada pemain sebelumnya, pemain selanjutnya dapat mengikuti besaran nilai taruhan tersebut dengan memilih pilihan Call.
    5. Raise - Jika terdapat pemasangan taruhan pada pemain sebelumnya, pemain berikutnya dapat melakukan penambahan dari nilai taruhan sebelumnya dengan melakukan pilihan Raise, atau jika pemain tersebut ingin menghabiskan semua chips yang dimilikinya diatas meja maka pemain tersebut dapat melakukan pilihan All-In

99dewa Agen Judi Poker, Domino dan Ceme Online Indonesia Terpercaya - website yang juga akan memberikan layanan permainan Domino online teraman dan terpercaya dan tentunya untuk anda yang berada di Indonesia, anda tidak perlu ragu bila bersama 99dewa agen ceme online ,karena segala sesuatu yang didukung dengan profesional permainan online disini akan benar benar terbukti nyata sehingga tidak akan ada tipu daya ataupun permainan robot sitem yang memberatkan member memperoleh kemenangan.

sebuah server lokal yang telah teraklereasi dengan teknologi terbaru dan terbaik layanan judi poker online yang memiliki tingkat keamanan yang akurat dan kecepatan yang terdeteksi sehingga akan benar benar menciptakan suatu keadaan permainan di judi online yang setabil dan penuh warna,dengan didukung pula oleh bank-bank lokal Indonesia.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

From Minimum Wage…

Money was a constant source of tension and stress when I was growing up. My parents were intelligent, well-educated and hard-working, yet they lived paycheck to paycheck. When I was 13, they divorced, then my mom struggled to raise three kids, often relying on free lunch tickets and food stamps. As my mother approach retirement age, she was riddled with anxiety over the fact that she hadn’t saved for her golden years. My father had always been (and continues to be, even in his 70’s) a workaholic — my siblings, his grandkids and I have always wished he’d figured out a way to work less and spend more time with us instead.
I started my adult life working a series of dead end jobs, earning minimum wage.
As a young adult, I dropped out of college and spent the next couple of years drifting from one minimum wage job to another, paying more attention to the boys I was dating than to my financial future. I ended up broke and alone after my fiancĂ©e and I broke up. I learned that I couldn’t count on Prince Charming to sweep me off of my feet and take care of me.
My parents were struggling to make ends meet, so I couldn’t go home and become a burden on them. I abandoned my broken-down car, reduced my rent by sharing a one-bedroom apartment with three other women, and scarfed down free food during Happy Hour at our local bar (free appetizers with the purchase of a $2 draft). I learned to be resourceful and to do whatever it took to survive.
One night, while working the graveyard shift at a donut shop and pouring coffee for a homeless woman, I realized that I was one paycheck away from being homeless myself. That was my wake-up call. Motivated by fear of an uncertain future, I opened the Yellow Pages, called professional dog trainers and negotiated an unpaid apprenticeship. Less than a year later, I was hired by my mentor, and I loved the work. A couple years later, I started my own successful dog-training school. I learned the power of asking for what I want.
23 years ago, I got married. (No, that’s not how I became a millionaire… He was a construction worker, earning just $8 bucks an hour…) Anyway, by the time we had celebrated our second wedding anniversary, it was obvious that if our marriage was to survive, we needed to move away from his family. Quite frankly, my in-laws thought that I should “wear the skirt” and demonstrate subordination to their son, and since I was a “strong-minded” woman, they were not supportive of our relationship. I learned it was critical to reduce my exposure to toxic people. We packed our belongings and moved to Colorado.

…To Millionaire Mommy!

Money ranks as the first most argued topic for many couples. It has been estimated that an astounding 80% of divorces are the result of money disagreements. Having a child is considered the single best indicator of financial collapse.
I wanted a family, but I didn’t want to be one of those statistics.
My choice to form a family through adoption rather than pregnancy was a decision I made when I was an idealistic teenager. (The way I figured it, why “make my own” child when there are countless orphans dying for a family already?) Since I planned to adopt, my biological time clock wasn’t a ticking time bomb. When I was 30, I decided to achieve financial freedom before adopting our daughter because I didn’t want to repeat our parent’s experiences. Both my husband and I grew up with young, struggling, work-all-the-time parents and quite frankly, that often stunk. We didn’t want money issues to negatively impact our family.
Over the course of the next couple years, I made it my mission to learn about personal finance, investing, entrepreneurship and lifestyle design. With this newfound knowledge, I created a plan that would allow my husband and I to be free of our money worries.
And it worked! By age 40, we were 100% debt free and had over a million dollars in the bank!
Today, we are proud and happy stay-at-home parents to our amazing young daughter. Financially free, our family hasn’t set an alarm clock in years.Whether it be work, parenting or play, we wake with the sun, eager to spend each new day doing whatever we choose.
We consider ourselves “closet millionaires”. You’d have no clue that we’re millionaires by looking at our Stuff. Our family lives a typical middle-class lifestyle with one fantastic exception– we only work when we want to. Financial freedom affords us the gift of free time.
Contrary to popular belief, most millionaire households do not live the extravagant lifestyles that many assume. In fact, a millionaire or two may be living inconspicuously next door to you! The authors of the bestseller, The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy, found the top reason for why some people manage to accumulate wealth is that they live below their means. Many millionaires have found that living in a status neighborhood is not only a poor value, but it makes one feel the need to keep buying status objects to keep up with the Joneses.
Would it surprise you to learn that my husband and I rent instead of own our home, share a car, and don’t subscribe to cable TV?
Like most millionaires in their study, we live our lives and spend our money in ways that are in alignment with our values, interests and passionsWe tend to be do-ers, not have-ers: we don’t care much for “stuff” (a McMansion home, new clothes, iPads or jewelry), but we spend generously on recreational pursuits, organic foods and long trips to faraway places. We make efforts to be environmentally green. By reducing our consumption, we save money in the process.

Why I Created “The Millionaire Mommy Next Door”

Women need more money than men. Why? (No, not so we can buy more shoes, handbags and manicures.) We need more money because we live longer than men, make significantly less salary than our male peers, and are more likely to be single parents raising a family on one income. Women comprise 87% of the impoverished elderly. A woman who works full-time for 40 years will earn $523,000 less than her male counterpart. At age 65, that extra half a million dollars could keep her from becoming one of the elderly poor!
What do these grim statistics tell us? They tell us that women, especially as they become older, are not prepared to take care of themselves financially. Yet nearly 90% of all women will end up managing their finances alone at some point in their lives.
I want to share my story and lessons learned because I’m at a point in my life where I’d like to “pay it forward”. The financial industry is rarely focused on women – my intention is to offer a supportive community and a female perspective. And my blog isn’t just about sharing my story: I’ve pledged my blog’s profits (from paid advertisements placed in the sidebar) as no-interest microloans for small businesses operated by working, impoverished women in developing countries.
Want To Know Even MORE About My Journey???
I’ve written a five-part series that details my story and the important lessons I’ve learned along the way:
    1. How I Became a Millionaire (Part 1: Childhood)
    2. How I Became A Millionaire (Part 2: Early Adulthood)
    3. How I Became A Millionaire (Part 3: My Twenties)
    4. How I Became A Millionaire (Part 4: My Thirties)
    5. From Minimum Wage to Millionaire (Part 5: My Early 40′s)
Finally, here are the archived blog posts I’ve written that are tagged “about me”.